The dashboards are web-based management tools which display key sponsored performance metrics using graphs, reports and visual displays.
If you need dashboard access or assistance please contact [email protected].
Dashboard Documentation
Monthly compliance metrics for sponsored activities related to payroll and non-payroll cost transfers, deficit and cash balances, unbilled revenue, FSRs, effort reporting and open receivables.
Proposals, Awards and Funding Dashboards
Monthly activity metrics reflecting proposals submitted, pending proposals, and new competing awards received. Also includes sponsored funding projections, research base and effective recovery metrics, funding trends and proposal success rates.
Reporting tool for generating historical reports of certified effort from March 2007 to present for a specific grant, sponsored program, principal investigator or employee
Provides grant and sponsored program expenditure summaries by principal investigator. Provides personnel overview report showing labor distribution actuals and commitments for all personnel working on a PIs grants and sponsored programs.
Reporting tool which summarizes Good Receipt/Invoice Receipt imbalances. Allows division and department users to identify and resolve problems caused by improper three-way match processing on Purchase Orders.
- GR/IR Business Process: Understanding the University’s GR/IR Clearing Account – How it Affects Departments
This FastFacts will provide a high-level summary review of the following four dashboards: Sponsored Compliance, Proposals, Awards and Funding, Effort Reporting, and Goods Receipt/Invoice Receipt.
- Bloomberg School of Public Health Dashboard Overview – January, 2023
This FastFacts session will focus specifically on the Sponsored Compliance dashboard and how to gain access.
This FastFacts session will focus specifically on the Proposals, awards and funding dashboard and how to gain access.
This FastFacts session will focus specifically on the Effort reporting and GR/IR dashboards and how to gain access.
This is an overview explaining how FTE metrics are calculated for the Finance dashboard.
Please send any feedback you have about the application to [email protected]. All feedback is appreciated.
Enhancement Requests
If you have suggestions about how to improve the dashboards or specific enhancement requests please send them to [email protected].